Little did Bianca and Gabrielle know that this meeting would be the start of a beautiful friendship...

Bianca: i want more milk, mommy! i want to sleep now.

Sofia Gabrielle: Mommy, don't do that please... you're squishing my cheeks

Bianca: *burp* i guess it's time to sleep... play with you later Gabrielle

Sofia Gabrielle: ok, Bianca, i'll play with your mommy's pillows first teeheehee

Sofia Gabrielle: ooooh.. this is my first time to see a comb! i wonder why mommy doesn't have one? hmmm

Bianca: Hi Sofia! I'm awake and recharged!!! ain't I adorable?

Mommy Lorraine: of course, you are, honey!

Sofia Gabrielle: yey! let's play!

and so mommy Lorraine played with the 2 babies...
oh how they love her!

Bianca: i'm done playing! where's my milk please?

Bianca: oh no! Sofia, nooooooo... i'm too small for you.. no.. please don't hug me.. please...

mommy Lorraine and baby Bianca: "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH"

Bianca: hello? hello, telephone? hello?

Bianca: this is my model look. do you like it?

Bianca: *ho-hum* i love it when mommy brushes my's soo relaxing! makes me wanna sleep again hihihi

Sofia Gabrielle: I want you to meet my favorite playmate, Auntie Joanne. We love each other so much! can't you see? hihihihi

mommy Lorraine: i love you, my little angel Bianca
Baby Bianca; i love you too, my pretty mommy

Mommy Lorraine and Mommy Ann Karen; "you are my life, baby"
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